Helping business owners prepare for a bright future

Our team of expert advisors help you protect your business from risks and get it in the best possible shape to list for sale.

The team at Morgan Exit Advisory have worked with hundreds of businesses across all industries.

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Take control of your future with specialist advice

Morgan Exit Advisory is a specialist exit advisory firm. We help Australian business owners make their businesses more attractive to buyers so that they achieve the best possible outcome when they go to market.

Key Statistics

Australian business owners are having an extremely tough time exiting their businesses.


13,000+ Aussie businesses listed for sale at any one time.


Only 35% of these businesses will ever end up selling.

10 Months

The ones that do sell will take an average of 10 months.

Our Process

We use a proven system to ensure our clients achieve the best exit outcome possible.


We look at your business from a buyer’s perspective and identify all problem areas to address before going to market.


We map out a gameplan to get your business in the best possible shape by your desired exit date.


We work with you to ensure action items are being completed effectively and on schedule.

Is your business saleable?

Would your business sell if it went to market in its current state? Take our free scorecard now and found out.

Benefits For Business owners

Our objective is to achieve the following three outcomes for every business owner that we work with with.

Ability To Sell

A sad reality is that only 1 in 3 businesses that go to market actually sell. Our #1 goal is to make sure that our client’s businesses are in the 33% who do sell.

Value Building

Typically the more people interested in a business, the higher the sale prices. We make your business more attractive to more people which increases its value.

Time On Market

Our program prepares a business for sale while making it more appealing to a broader group of investors which minimises total time on market.

Latest Articles

Learn about exiting your business.

Meet The Team

Expert advisors dedicated to helping business owners achieve their dream exit outcomes.

Dru Morgan

Taking part in hundreds of transactions over an illustrious career as a business broker, Dru is world class at helping business owners understand what steps they need to take to make their business attractive to the market.

Chris Herbert

As a former business owner, seasoned business advisor Chris is an expert in implementation. He partners with business owners, keeping them accountable and helping them make change happen as effectively as possible.

Benjamin Hart

A business professional with a ten year track record of helping businesses grow, Ben is a change champion for his clients. He offers business owners unwavering support, ensuring they achieve their desired outcomes in record time.

Book A Discovery Call

Complementary 30 minute discussion with an expert.

Copyright © Morgan Exit Advisory 2024